Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Post

Why have players lost interest in WoW PVE?

The answer isnt that players have run out of content. There is plenty of content, old and new, untouched by the vast majority of WoW players. What percent of subscribers have finished AQ? Naxxramas? Hyjal? Black Temple? There is a vast amount of untouched premium content and more on the way with a second expansion pack.

So why have players lost interest in WoW PVE? Its all Tigole's fault. Perhaps Furor shares some of the blame. These two retards decided that the very best PVE content should only been accessible to 5% of WoW subscribers. They decided to select this fortunate five percent based on a single criteria. This 5% consists of the players with no lives outside the world of warcraft.

The devs use pseudo psychological terms like risk vs. reward and other BS to justify the vast amount of game design resources catering exclusively to the players with no lives. However, anyone who has ever played everquest knows the simple fact that Tigole and Furor are wasting blizzard's resources to design a game for their own enjoyment and to share with a few players like themselves. players with no lives. I call these players Tigole's special kids.

Most companies wouldn't need to hire McKinsey or the Boston Consulting Group to tell them that a young professional with a job and pays rent, and spends his time and money on a variety of interests and hobbies is a more desirable customer demographic than the college dropout with no income who lives at home with his parents and spends his allowance on warcraft and hotpockets.

However, this intuition evidently escapes Tigole completely. He continues to design content solely for the consumption of the three cheese pizza hotpocket eating demographic. If a game designer EVER uses the term "pacing mechanic" as a euphemism for "separating our desirable customers with no lives from our undesirable customers with lives" its time to FIRE him.

Tigole's raid design influence is a detriment to blizzard, which could easily be charging people with jobs 30 dollars a month for WoW instead of chasing unemployed customers for their 15 dollars a month.

If you are in the 5% who has seen everything in the world of warcraft and wields the twin blades of azzinoth and you believe that you are somehow more skilled than the other 95% skillless nubs who cant understand tigole's brilliant mob artificial intelligence programming, ask yourself this simple question, "why hasnt my skill based success in wow translated in any way into real life success be it academic, professional, romantic, etc.?"

In conclusion, Blizzard, your lead game designer's idea of fun e.g. fighting trash mobs for six hours a night, seven days a week, shouting orders on voice chat to society's unemployed sociopath miscreants, qualifies him for a mental institution, not the lead designer job at the most prestigious game design studio in the world.

Yes, tigole might be doing society a favor, keeping these losers off the streets. But that's just an unintended collateral effect of his horrible game design decisions.

95% of the playerbase should be angry. Those computer programmers, artists, etc who created the black temple cost money.

You are subsidizing the fun Tigole's special kids are having.